Beijing to Tianjin Train - Ticket Prices, Times
China Train Ticket Booking
There are over 200 trains daily between Beijing and Tianjin, most of which depart from Beijing South Railway Station and terminate at Tianjin Railway Station, Tianjin West Railway Station, or Tianjin South Railway Station. Each train takes between 30 and 60 minutes to arrive in Tianjin, with the fastest train taking only half an hour. The cost of a second-class seat is about 8 dollars, while the cost of a first-class seat is about 12 dollars.

Beijing to Tianjin Intercity Trains
- Distance: 130 kilometers/81 miles
- Shortest Duration: 24 minutes
- Number of trains in Service: 230
- Departure Stations: Beijing South Railway Station, Beijing West Railway Station
- Arrival Stations: Tianjin Railway Station, Tianjin West Railway Station, and Tianjin South Railway Station
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Beijing to Tianjin Intercity Trains Schedules
Train Number | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Duration |
C2551 | 6:00 | 6:33 | 33 minutes |
C2001 | 6:15 | 6:55 | 40 minutes |
C2553 | 6:29 | 7:02 | 33 minutes |
C2029 | 11:18 | 11:48 | 30 minutes |
C2613 | 12:02 | 12:34 | 32 minutes |
C2215 | 13:08 | 13:48 | 40 minutes |
C2669 | 16:02 | 16:37 | 35 minutes |
C2069 | 18:01 | 18:35 | 34 minutes |
C2647 | 21:22 | 21:57 | 35 minutes |
C2657 | 23:07 | 23:42 | 35 minutes |
Tianjin to Beijing Intercity Trains Schedules
Train Number | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Duration |
C2202 | 6:19 | 6:59 | 40 minutes |
C2552 | 7:08 | 7:41 | 33 minutes |
C2206 | 8:09 | 8:42 | 33 minutes |
C2026 | 11:03 | 11:33 | 30 minutes |
C2034 | 12:06 | 12:43 | 37 minutes |
C2042 | 13:27 | 13:58 | 31 minutes |
C2056 | 15:41 | 16:11 | 30 minutes |
C2064 | 17:27 | 18:00 | 33 minutes |
C2236 | 19:43 | 20:17 | 34 minutes |
C2096 | 22:50 | 23:23 | 33 minutes |
Beijing to Tianjin Intercity Trains Ticket Prices
Seat | Business Class | First Class | Second Class |
Price | CNY174/USD24 | CNY88/USD12 | CNY54.5/USD8 |
Beijing to Tianjin Normal Speed Trains
- Distance: 130 kilometers/81 miles
- Shortest Duration: 1h15m
- Number of Trains service: 12
- Departure Stations: Beijing Railway Station, Beijing Fengtai Railway Station
- Arrival Stations: Tianjin West Railway Station, Tianjin Railway Station
Beijing to Tianjin Trains Running at Normal Speeds Schedules
Train Number | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Duration |
K7727 | 00:13 | 3:11 | 2h28m |
Z205 | 10:10 | 11:25 | 1h15m |
T57 | 11:33 | 12:59 | 1h26m |
K285 | 16:45 | 18:35 | 1h50m |
K27 | 17:25 | 19:03 | 1h37m |
K2549 | 18:53 | 21:02 | 2h29m |
T109 | 20:03 | 21:29 | 1h26m |
Z159 | 22: 35 | 23:51 | 1h16m |
K411 | 23:49 | 1:26 | 1h37m |
1461 | 11:56 | 13:41 | 1h45m |
Tianjin to Beijing Trains Running at Normal Speeds Schedules
Train Number | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Duration |
K28 | 6:55 | 8:40 | 1h45m |
1462 | 8:52 | 10:46 | 1h54m |
K286 | 11:29 | 13:18 | 1h49m |
K1786 | 13:42 | 15:39 | 1h57m |
T58 | 14:04 | 15:19 | 1h15m |
Z206 | 18:33 | 19:49 | 1h16m |
Tianjin to Beijing Trains Running at Normal Speed Ticket Prices
Seat | Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
Price | CNY104.5/USD14 | CNY69.5/USD9 | CNY23.5/USD3 |
Note for Passengers:
1. For children (6-14 years old) can enjoy a 50% discount.
2. For trains running at normal speed, there may be a certain gap between the scheduled arrival time and the actual arrival time.
3. The train numbers displayed above are for reference only. Click China train to search for other trains at different periods.
How to Buy a Proper Train Ticket Between Beijing and Tianjin
- Purchase train tickets about a week in advance to ensure the availability of suitable seats and prices.
- Among all the train stations in Tianjin, Tianjin railway station is the closest to the city center and also the nearest to Tianjin Binhai International Airport. If departing from Beijing, choose a train with Tianjin railway station as the terminal; if departing from Tianjin, opt for a train starting from Tianjin Station.
- If you have not been to train stations in Tianjin and Beijing before, plan to arrive at the station at least an hour early due to security checkpoints taking up some time and to avoid any delays in case of emergencies.
Cheapest Way to Transfer in Tianjin to Beijing
Beijing is one of the most popular cities in China. Despite the developed transportation system in China, it is sometimes difficult to buy train tickets to Beijing, especially during holidays.
Airplane tickets to Beijing are also expensive. Meanwhile, Beijing Capital International Airport and Daxing International Airport are far from the downtown area of Beijing, which takes time and money.
Therefore, we recommend the cheapest transfer plan. You can buy an airplane ticket to Tianjin and then take the high-speed train from Tianjin Railway Station to Beijing South Railway Station.
Tianjin Binhai Airport to Tianjin Railway Station
By Subway: Line 2
By Bus:
There are buses from Binhai International Airport to Tongsha Passenger Station (near Tianjin Railway Station), which depart every hour and the ticket price is 15 yuan, about 2 dollars. Operation time for the buses is as follows:
Airport to Passenger Station: 8:00-until the final flight of the day lands
Passenger Station to Airport: 6:00-18:00
How to go to Railway Stations in Beijing and Tianjin
1. Beijing South Railway Station: Most intercity trains from Tianjin to Beijing arrive at Beijing South Station. From Beijing South Station, it takes only 18 minutes to reach Tiananmen Square by subway and 41 minutes to reach the Forbidden City.
By Subway: Line 4, Line 14
By Bus: 20, 72, 84, 102, 106, 458, 529, 652, 665
2. Beijing Fengtai Railway Station: most trains stopping at Fengtai railway station are trains running at normal speed.
By Subway: Line 10, Line 16
By Bus: 395, 459, 477, 678, Night 16
3. Tianjin Railway Station: Tianjin Railway Station is located at the junction of Hebei District and Hedong District and is the closest train station to the city center.
By Subway: Line 2, Line 3, Line 9
By Bus: 5, 13, 24, 50, 186, 188, 461, 570, 638, 650, 663, 666
4. Tianjin West Railway Station
By Subway: Line 1, Line 6
By Bus: 10, 24, 31, 52, 168, 601, 651, 661, 683, 687, 688, 810
5. Tianjin South Railway Station
By Subway: Line 3
By Bus: 312, 358, 587, 707
From Tianjin International Cruise Home Port to Beijing
For passengers arriving at or departing from Tianjin Port by cruise, we recommend a tourist route for you. When you arrive at Tianjin International Cruise Home Port, our professional tour guides will meet you, and then proceed to Beijing. Meanwhile, from Beijing to the home port is also practicable.
How to go to the Cruise Port from Railway Stations
If your budget is sufficient, you can take a taxi directly to travel between the railway station and the cruise port. If you want to take public transportation, there are 3 routes for your reference.
1. Traveling Between Tianjin Railway Station and the Cruise Port
Take the subway line 9 at Tianjin Railway Station→get off at Shimin Square Station→exit from A2→take the Bus (513) to Dongjiang Cruise Home Port Station
2. Travelling Between Tianjin Railway Station and the Cruise Port
Take the Bus (176) at Tianjin West Station→get off at Dawangzhuang Station→take the subway line 9 at Dawangzhuang→get off at Shimin Square Station→exit from A2→513
3. Travelling Between Tianjin South Railway Station and the Cruise Port
Take the subway line 3 at Tianjin South Railway Station→transfer to line 9 at Tianjin Railway Station→get off at Shimin Square Station→exit from A2→513
FAQs on Beijing to Tianjin Intercity Trains
Q1: How long does it take from Beijing to Tianjin by train?
A1: It takes about 30 minutes to travel from Beijing to Tianjin by intercity train, with a distance of 130 kilometers between the two cities.
Q2: How to get from Beijing Airport to Tianjin?
A2: Whether you land at Daxing International Airport or Capital International Airport, you need to take the subway to Beijing South Railway Station. From there, you can catch an intercity train to Tianjin. Or you can take the intercity bus at the airport to Tianjin, but it may take longer.
Q3: Is there a bus from Beijing Airport to Tianjin?
A3: There is a bus from Daxing Airport to Tianjin, costing 10.5 dollars (RMB75) and taking 150 minutes to reach the destination. There is a bus from the Capital International Airport to Tianjin East Station, costing around 13 dollars (RMB100).
Q4: Does Tianjin have a Subway?
Q4: Tianjin is the second city in China to open a subway system. Currently, there are 10 subway lines in operation: Line 1, Line 2, Line 3, Line 4, Line 5, Line 6, Line 8, Line 9, Line 10 and Line 11.