Hong Kong - Guangzhou High-Speed Train
China Train Ticket Booking
The high-speed train is the best option for traveling between Hong Kong and Guangzhou. Around 33 pairs of high-speed trains operate daily between Hong Kong West Kowloon Station and Guangzhou South Station/Guangzhou East Station, with a travel time of 1-2 hours.
The fastest train ride from Hong Kong to Guangzhou South is only 46 minutes. A second-class seat costs US$32 (CNY215), a first-class seat US$48 (CNY323), and a business-class seat US$67 (CNY452).
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Hong Kong - Guangzhou High-Speed Train Basic Facts
- Open time: September 23, 2018
- Travel Time: 46m to 1h42m
- Distance: 141 kilometers (88 miles)
- Speed: 200 kph (124 mph) in HK, 300 kph (186 mph) in Chinese Mainland
- Terminals: Hong Kong West Kowloon Station, Guangzhou South Station/Guangzhou East Station
- Frequency: 33 pairs per day
- Ticket Fare: second class US$32 (CNY215), first class US$48 (CNY323), business class US$67 (CNY452)

Hong Kong to Guangzhou High-Speed Train Schedule
(Updated on March 23, 2023)
Train No. | From – To | Departure - Arrival | Duration |
G6552 | Hong Kong West Kowloon - Guangzhou East | 08:06 - 09:35 | 1h29m |
G6540 | Hong Kong West Kowloon - Guangzhou South | 10:05 - 10:51 | 46m |
G6556 | Hong Kong West Kowloon - Guangzhou East | 12:26 - 14:04 | 1h38m |
G6542 | Hong Kong West Kowloon - Guangzhou South | 15:10 - 16:17 | 1h7m |
G6560 | Hong Kong West Kowloon - Guangzhou East | 16:42 - 18:24 | 1h42m |
G6526 | Hong Kong West Kowloon - Guangzhou South | 17:13 - 17:59 | 46m |
G6588 | Hong Kong West Kowloon - Guangzhou South | 20:02 - 21:06 | 1h4m |
There are 33 daily high-speed trains from Hong Kong West Kowloon Station to Guangzhou South Station or Guangzhou East Station. The departure time is from 08:06 to 22:50, and the duration is from 46 minutes to 1 hour 42 minutes.
The trains listed above are some of them. Click Hong Kong to Guangzhou high-speed trains to check real-time schedules.
Guangzhou to Hong Kong High-Speed Train Schedule
Train No. | From – To | Departure - Arrival | Duration |
G6539 | Guangzhou South - Hong Kong West Kowloon | 07:05 - 8:09 | 1h5m |
G6515 | Guangzhou South - Hong Kong West Kowloon | 10:57 - 12:04 | 1h7m |
G6583 | Guangzhou South - Hong Kong West Kowloon | 12:26 - 13:20 | 54m |
G6557 | Guangzhou East - Hong Kong West Kowloon | 14:27 - 16:17 | 1h50m |
G6559 | Guangzhou East - Hong Kong West Kowloon | 16:19 - 17:59 | 1h40m |
G6561 | Guangzhou East - Hong Kong West Kowloon | 19:56 - 21:49 | 1h53m |
G6587 | Guangzhou South - Hong Kong West Kowloon | 21:50 - 22:36 | 46m |
There are also 32 fast trains daily from Guangzhou South Station or Guangzhou East Station to Hong Kong West Kowloon Station. The departure time is from 07:04 to 21:50, and the duration is from 45 minutes to 1 hour 53 minutes. The trains listed above are some of them.
Click Guangzhou to Hong Kong high-speed trains to check real-time schedules.

Hong Kong - Guangzhou High-Speed Train Ticket Price
Ticket Types | From – To | Second Class | First Class | Business Class |
Adult ticket | Hong Kong West Kowloon - Guangzhou South |
US$32 (CNY215) | US$48 (CNY323) | US$67 (CNY452) |
Adult ticket | Hong Kong West Kowloon - Guangzhou East |
US$32 (CNY215) | US$50 (CNY344) | US$60 (CNY387) |
Children Ticket Price
Children < 6 years old can travel for free but without their seats.
6 years old≤ Children < 14 years are eligible for children’s tickets (about 50% of the adult fare).
How to Buy Hong Kong - Guangzhou Train Tickets
You can purchase high-speed train tickets online 15 days in advance in the following ways:
- China Travel provides the most convenient and efficient online train ticket booking services. Search for the Hong Kong - Guangzhou train and book tickets now!
- Purchase tickets on the China railway website www.12306.cn
Or buy tickets at railway stations:
- Hong Kong's West Kowloon Railway Station
- Guangzhou South Railway Station
- Guangzhou East Railway Station
Hong Kong - Guangzhou High-Speed Railway Map

Hong Kong - Guangzhou High-Speed Train Running Route
The Hong Kong—Shenzhen—Guangzhou high-speed railway has a distance of about 141km (88 miles) and a speed of 200 kph (124 mph) in Hong Kong and 300 kph (186 mph) in the Chinese Mainland. The train stations between Hong Kong West Kowloon and Guangzhou East are Shenzhen North, Dongguan South, and Dongguan.
The major stations along Hong Kong West Kowloon and Guangzhou South line are Futian, Shenzhen North, and Humen. The shortest is the direct rail without a stop, which takes only 46 minutes to reach Guangzhou South from Hong Kong.
High-speed Train Transfer Option via Shenzhen
Apart from traveling straight to Guangzhou, you may also want to know how to get to Guangzhou by transferring via Shenzhen, which has more options.
You could take the fast train from Hong Kong to Shenzhen first, then take the connected bullet train to Guangzhou.
Hong Kong to Guangzhou via Shenzhen
Hong Hong to Shenzhen | Shenzhen to Guangzhou | Total Travel Time | Ticket Price (2nd class) |
G5620 (13:38 - 13:56) | G2922 (14:24 - 14:54) | 1h16m | US$22 (CNY149.5)= CNY75 + CNY74.5 |
G5634 (15:58- 16:16) | G6248 (16:46- 17:23) | 1h25m | US$22 (CNY149.5)= CNY75 + CNY74.5 |
Guangzhou to Hong Kong via Shenzhen
Guangzhou to Shenzhen | Shenzhen to Hong Kong | Total Travel Time | Ticket Price(2nd class) |
G6207 (07:33 - 08:09) | G5821 (8:43 - 8:57) | 1h24h | US$21 (CNY142.5)= CNY74.5 + CNY68 |
G6251 (15:43 - 16:19) | G5635 (16:42 - 17:07) | 1h26h | US$22 (CNY149.5)= CNY74.5 + CNY75 |
Hong Kong - Guangzhou Bus
Taking the bus is another option if you are on a budget and have enough time. There are lots of coaches operated between these two cities every day, with different bus terminals. The trip takes 3 to 5 hours, depending on how fast you get through the border and which bus terminal you select. The single-way ticket costs around US$22 (CNY150) - (US$37) CNY250.
Hong Kong - Guangzhou Flight
A pair of flights is available between Hong Kong and Guangzhou with a flight time of 1 hour in the morning. The airfare is about US$150 (CNY1,000) - US$325 (CNY2,200).