100 Most Popular Chinese Names for Boys/Males with Meanings
Traditionally, When choosing a name for a boy/male, Chinese people prefer to use these words with the meanings of strength, power, success, and greatness. As in Chinese culture, males are expected stronger than females.
But nowadays, young Chinese parents like to choose words with the meanings of a bundle of joy or broad vision for their male babies. Here is a list of the most popular 100 names for boys/males.

Top 30 Most Common Chinese Boy's Names
These words are very common and frequently used in Chinese males' names. If you want a name that is not so unique, only choose one from them.
- 1. 伟 (wěi) – greatness
- 2. 国 (guó) – country
- 3. 健 (jiàn) – health
- 4. 超 (chāo) – surpass
- 5. 豪 (háo) – prosperous
- 6. 明 (míng) – bright
- 7. 勇 (yǒng) – brave
- 8. 达 (dá) – attainment
- 9. 福 (fú) – good fortune
- 10. 富 (fù) – wealth
- 11. 军 (jūn) – army
- 12. 磊 (lěi) – rocks
- 13. 文 (wén) – literate
- 14. 睿 (ruì)– smart
- 15. 刚 (gāng) – strong
- 16. 凯 (kǎi) – success
- 17. 雄 (xióng) – courageous
- 18. 宏 (hóng) – paradigm vast
- 19. 宇 (yǔ) – universe
- 20. 平 (píng) – peaceful
- 21. 亮 (liàng) – bright
- 22. 俊 (jùn) – handsome
- 23. 威 (wēi) – powerful
- 24. 仁 (rén) – benevolence
- 25. 鹏程 (péng chéng) – bright future
- 26. 海涛 (hǎi tāo) – wave
- 27. 一铭 (yī míng) – one imprint
- 28. 子鑫 (zǐ xīn) – prosperity
- 29. 沐阳 (mù yáng) – bathe the sun
- 30. 智鹏 (zhì péng) – a wise legendary bird
Top 20 Fashionable Chinese Boy Names
Young Chinese parents hope their boys are special beyond the common wishes of being physically strong or mentally intelligent. So they like to choose words with the meanings of a bundle of joy or broad vision.
- 31. 宇辰 (yǔ chén) – universe
- 32. 浩然 (hào rán) – vastness
- 33. 皓宇 (hào yǔ) – bright universe
- 34. 宇轩 (yǔ xuān) – universe high
- 35. 子轩 (zǐ xuān) – refined high
- 36. 子豪 (zǐ háo) – refined hero
- 37. 俊杰 (jùn jié) – outstanding talent
- 38. 沐辰 (mù chén) – outstanding talent
- 39. 宇辰 (yǔ chén) – universe
- 40. 宇泽 (yú zé) – kindness
- 41. 梓豪 (zǐ háo) – heroic
- 42. 沐宸 (mù chén) – outstanding talent
- 43. 茗泽 (míng zé) – kindness
- 44. 俊德 (jùn dé) – handsome virtue
- 45. 奕辰 (yì chén) – grand sun, moon
- 46. 浩洋 (hào yáng) – vast sea
- 47. 昊天 (hào tiān) – vast sky
- 48. 浩轩 (hào xuān) – universe high
- 49. 雨泽 (yǔ zé) – kindness
- 50. 建宇 (jiàn yǔ)–build universe
Top 20 Popular Traditional Chinese Boy Names
Traditional Chinese boys’ names are typically related to "strength", "greatness", and "success". Traditional common Chinese words for boys’ names include:
- 51. 建国 (jiàn guó) – build the country
- 52. 建华 (jiàn huá) – build the country
- 53. 伟国 (wěi guó) – great country
- 54. 建豪 (jiàn háo) – build greatness
- 55. 家伟 (jiā wěi) – family great
- 56. 建军 (jiàn jūn) – build the army
- 57. 伟 (wěi) – greatness
- 58. 国 (guó) – country
- 59. 和平 (hé píng) – peace
- 60. 涛 (tāo) – big wave
- 61. 强 (qiáng) – strong
- 62. 鹏 (péng) – a wise legendary bird
- 63. 志明 (zhì míng) – brilliant
- 64. 富贵 (fù guì) – riches and honour
- 65. 富 (fù) – wealth
- 66. 华 (huá) – prosperous
- 67. 超 (chāo) – surpass
- 68. 杰 (jié) – Outstanding
- 69. 俊 (jùn) – handsome
- 70. 波 (bō) – wave
Chinese Boy's Names That Mean Strong
- 71. 勇 (yǒng) - brave
- 72. 强 (qiáng) – strong
- 73. 伟 (wěi) – greatness
- 74. 豪 (háo) – greatness
- 75. 超 (chāo) – surpass
- 76. 志坚 (zhì jiān) – strong-minded
- 77. 刚 (gāng) – strong
- 78. 志强 (zhì qiáng) – strong-minded
- 79. 屹强 (yì qiáng) – strength
- 80. 世刚 (shì gāng) – strong
Chinese Boy's Names for Wisdom
- 81. 智 (zhì) - smart
- 82. 睿 (ruì) – clever
- 83. 知 (zhī) – intelligence
- 84. 聪 (cōng) – smartness
- 85. 博 (bó) – abundant
- 86. 哲 (zhé) – intelligence
- 87. 博涵 (bó hán) – knowledgeable and well-cultivated
- 88. 泰哲 (tài zhé) – intelligence
- 89. 智宸 (zhì chén) – knowledgeable
- 90. 智辉 (zhì huī) – wise and brilliant
Popular Chinese Boy Names Meaning Dragon
The dragon symbolizes strength, wisdom, and power, so these names also carry this meaning.
- 91. 龙飞 (Lóng Fēi) - Flying Dragon
- 92. 龙华 (Lóng Huá) - Dragon Splendor
- 93. 龙泉 (Lóng Quán) - Dragon Spring
- 94. 龙翔 (Lóng Xiáng) - Soaring Dragon
- 95. 龙阳 (Lóng Yáng) - Dragon Sun
Best Chinese Boy Names Meaning Ocean
- 96. 怀海((Huáihǎi) )- embracing the ocean
- 97. 海川(hǎichuān)- ocean river
- 98. 海林 (Hǎilín) - Ocean Forest
- 99. 海瑞 (Hǎiruì) - Auspicious Ocean
- 100. 海文 (Hǎiwén) - Cultured Ocean
- 101. 海阳 (Hǎiyáng) - Ocean Sun
- 102. 海宇 (Hǎiyǔ) - Vast Ocean Universe
Unique Chinese Boy Names
If you want a name that is special, or unique that is not commonly used. These are the best options for you.
- 103. . 天翊 (tiān yì) – soaring in the sky, making great achievements
- 104. . 潇然 (xiāo rán) – unrestrained and generous
- 105. . 越彬 (yuè bīn) – surpass the past
- 106. 耀杰 (yào jié) – outstanding talent
- 107. 俊驰 (jùn chí) – intelligent and knowledgeable
- 108. 凯瑞 (kǎi ruì) – good fortune and happiness
- 109. 哲瀚 (zhé hàn) - broad-minded
- 110. 伟泽 (wěi zé) – brilliant and confident
- 111. 思淼 (sī miǎo) – broad-minded and intelligent
- 112. 瑾瑜 (jǐn yú) – virtue and ability